Tips for a Daily Devotional Routine

Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash The vast majority of pagans feel the need to connect with Deities, whether they are specific to some pantheon or more broad concepts like “The Goddess” from certain Wiccan traditions. However, many times, with our non-stop daily life, we...

How to Recognize Signs from Deities

Jonathan Meyer on Unsplash One of the main themes that come up with people who are interested in starting devotional work to Deities is the theme of signs: How to recognize the signs, how to know if the divine is involved or if it could be a coincidence, how to be...

Tips for Starting Deity Work

Celeste Horrocks on Unsplash Working with or devoting ourselves to Deities is something that many people are either afraid to begin or are not sure about the first steps to take. And that’s what I want to help you with today. The beginnings of devotional worship to a...