Noumenia is a celebration of the start of a new Hellenic month. It’s a time to give thanks for all the Gods have given us this past month and seek blessings for the household for the coming month.
This day is generally sacred to Apollon Neomenios, Zeus as Ktesios and Epikarpos, Hestia, Agathos Daimon, Hekate, Hermes and Selene – all of Them are domestic deities and/or lunar deities. Due to the fact that so many deities are honored during the Noumenia, it is the longest of our monthly rituals. The ritual itself is best performed at night.
Offerings such as incense or honey cakes are often made to honor/give offerings to the household Gods at your family altar.
Feel free to use the ritual below in your practice.
Incense/ Libations / Offerings
Offering Incense, saying,
“I offer this incense, in names of the household gods. On this, the first day of the new month, may the aroma please you and make my home a shadow of the comfort of great Olympus. I thank the gods for (mention anything that they have done for you).
Give Food Offering, saying,
“I offer this food as a sacrifice to the gods. On this, the first day of the new month may it be nourishing though a crumb by comparison to the feats of the halls of the gods. I thank the gods for (as before, mention anything that they have done. If not, just do a small prayer)
Pour libations. “I offer these libations to the gods, to my mother and father, to my brothers and sisters, and to all of their mighty kin be them named or not. On this, the first day of the new month I thank the gods for (as before, mention anything that they have done. If not, just do a small prayer)
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“I call to Selene, mistress of the silver moon, sister of the sun, daughter of the elder gods, sky-riding goddess, your white hands firm upon the reins, guiding your pale chariot across the night sky, your eyes like stars, your silken hair as black as night, a shining crescent at your brow.
Kind-hearted goddess, beloved of beautiful Endymion, your light falls ever on lovers’ silent trysts, on kisses sweetly captured, on longed-for embraces.
As well you keep company with mothers in their midnight walks, bringing your comfort to crying babe and weary women alike. Ever changing one, as you wax and wane do farmers plant their fields, do women count their months, do witches work their spells. Fair Selene, beacon in the great dark, I honor you.
![hermes statue - Facts About the Olympian God Hermes](
I call to Hermes, son of thundering Zeus and gracious Maia, fair of face and kind of heart; Hermes, protector of the home, provider of feast and frolic, courier of dreams, kind Hermes, I call to you. Hermes with ready wit and the lightning smile, wing-footed carrying the words of the gods, quick-thinking one who takes interest in the world and works of mankind, bringer of luck and clever schemes and tricks, I call to you.
Hermes, bearer of the herald’s staff, your gifts are great. You guard the homes with constancy and care, you grant to us a portion of your own craft, cunning and skill. You are ever with us, O Hermes; O god who holds in hand the good of men, I honor you.
I call to Apollo, radiant and beautiful god, bright-haired son of Zeus, strong of arm and flawless of form, of all the gods none are your equal in beauty or grace. Apollo of Leto were you born on well-favored Delos; in Athens and in Sparta and in all the lands were you honored.
To you did men and women offer prayers for health and healing, to you did the poets call for inspiration, O leader of the lovely Muses. Apollo, never has your glory been forgotten; throughout the centuries have artists turned to you for light and vision.
Great god, I praise you and your gifts.
I call to Artemis, daughter of thundering Zeus and blessed Leto, fleet-footed bow-woman, roamer of the woodland, wild-willed mistress of beasts, fierce-hearted protector of young girls.
Artemis, friend of the hunter and the fisher, friend of the mother and midwives and all small nurslings, friend of maidens, unfettered and free of spirit, far-shooting goddess, goddess of the strong voice whose words of the heart are heard, I call to you.
I call to Athena, clear-eyed daughter of Zeus; from his head you burst forth, in brilliant armor, a warrior from your first breath, born with all the skill, all the insight, all the guile of an old warlord.
Bold Athena whose favor falls on the brave and on the clever, who hones the wit of a scholar and quickens the nimble fingers of the artisan, who offers counsel reasoned and reflective, farsighted builder of cities who leads humanity towards concord and community, granter of the gift of civilization, I call to you.
Athena of wisdom, Athena of skills, goddess of the agile mind, for your works I praise you.
I call to Ares, son of thundering noble Zeus and wise and watchful Hera, strong one, swift one, clever one, god of the impulse and movement, god of the battle and fight, granter of courage and strength, granter of the will to endure, friend of the wronged and the vengeful, O Ares, I call to you.
Dear to you are beasts that feed on blood and carnage, that flourish in the barren fields of battle.Ares, savior of cities, shaker of spears, bright-helmed one who lends strength to the weak, courage to the fearful, will to the clouded and vengeance to the wronged.
Shed down a kindly ray from above my life, and strength of war, that I may be able to drive away bitter cowardice from my head and crush down the deceitful impulses of my soul. Restrain also the keen fury of my heart which provokes me to tread the ways of blood curdling strife.
I thank you for your gifts, I honor your calling.
I call to Dionysos, great god of the vine, son of thundering Zeus and headstrong Semele, loving husband to warm-hearted Ariadne. Dionysos, deep-hearted one who knows the souls of men and women, whose hand is ever open, ever within reach.
Dionysos, god who runs in the dark, who sees with eyes shut tight, who dances to the heart’s strong beat, ever are you yourself, ever constant, ever changing god of those who are trapped, those who seek your truth in their own, those who seek vision beyond seeing, those who seek wisdom beyond knowledge, those who seek the self, pure and sweet, those who seek clarity beyond definition, who seek to embrace the uncertain, to hold, but loosely, to what is true beyond trust. I praise and honor you!
I call to Hephaistos, ingenious son of Hera, father of fair-tressed maids and bold-hearted heroes. On the isle of Lemnos, where stood your fiery forge, a land beloved by you above all others, were you well honored; by those who work in bronze and smith hot iron were you lauded throughout the land.
Mighty Hephaistos, master of all craft and art, builder of palaces, maker of keen-edged swords and impenetrable armor, creator of all manner of finely-worked trinkets and baubles. Beauty falls from your hands, Hephaistos, as artistry falls to those you favor. God of skills, I call and honor you.
I call to Hades, lord of the dusky underworld, lord of the dead, provider of hearth and home to those who have passed from our presence. Mighty one, elder son of ancient Kronos and good Rhea, devoted husband of tender Persephone, to your hall do all men make their way one day. The riches of the earth are yours as well, Hades; all the precious gems locked inside sturdy stone, all the rich ores held within your realm;
the seeds buried in the soil, waiting to pierce the surface, are likewise of your domain. Benevolent Hades, granter of wealth, from your hands fall riches untold; master of dreams, through you do our beloved dead yet speak; holder of the gates of the world to come, Hades, final friend of mankind, I call to you.
I call to Demeter, daughter of deep-hearted Rhea and wily Kronos, great lady of the land, queen of the fruitful earth, sustainer of mankind, loving mother to rich-tressed Persephone. Goddess, we see your hand in rows of golden grain, in heavy-fruited trees, in fields of scarlet poppies blooming amongst the barley, in the passing of seasons, in the fury of a mother wronged.
By your will it is, goddess, that the fields flourish, the trees bear sweet fruit; by your goodness it is that we harvest food enough to feed our families. Your gifts are precious, O Demeter, more precious than the gold and jewels that lie beneath the new-sown seeds; your blessings are the air we breathe, the bread we eat. Blessed goddess, Demeter of the great heart, we thank you each day for all you have given us, all we know of life. Hail, goddess!
I call to Poseidon, son of ancient Kronos and wild-hearted Rhea, great god of the seas, maker and master of horses, trident-bearer, earth-shaker, lord of the beasts of the deep, lord of the thrashing waves, sea-god, I call to you.
Dark haired Poseidon, you hold in your hands the waters of the world, those briny depths that brought us all into life; that carried mankind to many lands, to gather wealth and wisdom; that nourished our furthest forebears and formed the patterns of our lives.
Poseidon, lord of the darkest sea-depths, lord of the crashing surf, your hair we with brine, your eyes cold and blue, keen as winter waters, within your domain we live only by your goodness and with you wrath you raise the four great winds, you hone the rain to a cutting edge, you turn the waters of your realm to cruel ice.
Our lives depend on your balance, Poseidon, on your generous heart and open hand.
God of oceans, god of the salt of life, I praise and honor you.
I call to Aphrodite, daughter of the deep sea, daughter of the broad sky, foam-borne goddess, glory of Olympos. You who are the holder of hearts, the inspiration of desire both carnal and refined. Your promise a flame we cannot help but touch, your power a torrent we cannot withstand, your will a need we cannot resist.
Beloved Aphrodite, unparalleled goddess, you who see’s the truth within our hearts and holds us close to yours. We see your gifts in the world in the small beauties and treasure in life and in one another. All things, all life, all men and women are incomplete without your presence.
Aphrodite we praise you, we honor you, we delight in your gifts.
I call to great Zeus, son of mighty Kronos and deep-hearted Rhea, father of the deathless gods, ruler of bright Olympos, master of storms, consort of blessed Hera of the splendid eyes. Father Zeus, defender of cities and homes, kindly Zeus who watches the world, friend of the fates, giver of good fortune, by your good will are our cupboards full, our children strong, our minds and bodies sound and vital.
I sing the joys of Zeus, chiefest among the gods and greatest, all-seeing, the lord of all. Be gracious, all seeing Son of Cronos, to you we give honor and thanks!
I call to Hera, radiant daughter of Kronos and blessed Rhea, queen of Olympos, dark-eyed goddess, beloved of thundering Zeus. Stately and beautiful goddess, friend of women, friend of marriage, protector of home and family, most lovely and most exalted goddess, I call to you.
I praise you bright and noble Hera, gracious queen of the deathless gods, dark-eyed goddess, fairest of the children of Rhea, cloaked in the starry skies, garlanded in poppies fragrant and blood-red, crowned in brightest gold, majestic one whose blessings is sought by all, whose gifts are treasured, whose favor is a surety of good fortune.
Oh Hera, champion of great cities, warder of the bonds of marriage, protector of women, unparalleled goddess, I honor your beauty, your wisdom, your might.
End the ritual
Hestia, goddess of home and hearth, to you I offer last of all as a pious mortal should. Tend to those whom I love and guard the houses of the pious.
As the humble servant of the gods, named and unnamed this day, so the gods will it, so it shall be.
You can dump the entire container that you’ve poured your wine or grape juice into outside and then that ends it.