Hellenic Herald Blog
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Summer Solstice (Litha)
The Summer Solstice occurs when one of Earth’s poles is at its maximum tilt towards the Sun. This...
City Dionysia
The City Dionysia was an important yearly festival held in honor of Dionysus, likely dating back...
Ostara is a traditionally Wiccan holiday which marks the Spring Equinox. It is often centered...
Gentle Hephaestus
By: MythologyLover Gentle Hephaestus,Lord and protector of the disabled community, weilder of...
What is It & How to Make ItKhernips are, at their most simple definition, a form of cleansing....
Noumenia Ritual
Noumenia is a celebration of the start of a new Hellenic month. It’s a time to give thanks for all...
Noumenia – 1st day of the month
The Noumenia is a celebration of the start of a new Hellenic month. It's a time to give thanks for...
Tips for a Daily Devotional Routine
Danielle MacInnes on UnsplashThe vast majority of pagans feel the need to connect with Deities,...
How to Recognize Signs from Deities
Jonathan Meyer on UnsplashOne of the main themes that come up with people who are interested in...