Weekly intention: 10/10/21

This week I will… follow the bliss. Joseph Campbell notably said that he always advises his students to follow their bliss. And what that meant was that you should go where you are driven to go where your body and soul is telling you to go. Now, to me, that...

Weekly intention: 7/4/2021

This week I will avoid external distractions. On Instagram Live, I talked about how there are already so many distractions in the world, and especially on a holiday like today there can be a lot of loud noises, or parties, etc that distract us ( in good or bad ways)...
Weekly intention 5 /10

Weekly intention 5 /10

This week I will… Love unconditionally.  This week I will love unconditionally. I think that this intention is very important for all of us. It is important that we learn to love unconditionally. This is an extremely hard thing especially when it comes to...
Weekly intention 5/3/21

Weekly intention 5/3/21

This week I will be afraid and do it anyway! added Why: because courage is not the absence of fear but what we do in spite of it! I invite everyone to discuss, reflect and post about how this relates to you, your tasks this week, what this means to you and the deities...